School Council & Governance
The School Council is responsible for the general administration of the school and the setting of school policy. At MEC the School Council is comprised of 17 members, 8 elected parents, 4 elected Department of Education and Training representatives, 2 co-opted members, 2 elected student representatives and the Principal as Executive Officer. All parents are advised that elections will take place early each year and all those who are interested in taking an active part in the affairs of the school are urged to accept a nomination to the School Council, if approached.
The work of the School Council can be summarised through the work of our active sub-committees.
- Buildings & Grounds: Oversee the maintenance and development of the buildings and grounds.
- Education Policy: Monitor, review and recommend to Council, Strategic Plan & Policies covering learning & teaching programs. Monitor student wellbeing programs and policies.
- Finance / Executive: Formulation and monitoring of school budget, development of long term financial plan and oversee operation of Council, develop and implement marketing strategy.
Current School Council office bearers are:
President: Mrs. Anita Ford | Vice President: Mr. Darren Emerson |
Treasurer: Mr. Hartaj Dhanju | Executive Officer: Mr. David Sutton |
School Councils have the responsibility to develop policy and plans to allocate their overall resources in accordance with the goals, targets and strategies outlined in their strategic plan. This includes the allocation of funding provided under the SRP, any other funding provided by DET and locally-raised funds.