
English at MEC

The use of language provides a foundation for our students’ communication skills. We aim to ensure all students are well prepared for their everyday lives with necessary literacy tools to succeed.
We understand the importance of exposing students to multiple forms of literature from the start of their schooling journey. We aim for students to enjoy their journey with literature as they develop their skills to engage with texts independently.

Year P-6

In years P-6 we focus on the key areas of Reading, Writing, Spelling and Speaking and Listening.

As students move into the 7-12 setting, the study of English and Literature becomes more sophisticated. We provide ongoing support to continue the development of skills to best set up each individual student for their future paths.

Reading is taught in line with the MEC Agreed Reading Practices, which provides students with structured lessons that fosters reading independence and enjoyment by using the Gradual Release of Responsibility model. Reading skills are explicitly taught to each student and then they will practise the skill independently.  A key feature of each classroom is the reading corner which is filled with a broad range of texts to suit every reader. Regular conferences take place during each lesson to ensure students are progressing as readers.

Students learn to writing through the use of the ‘6+1 Traits’. This system links the importance between reading and writing through the use of mentor texts.  Students develop the skills of writing ideas, organisation, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions and voice, prior to publishing their work. Multiple writing styles are taught each year.

Spelling at MEC is taught using ‘Effective Spelling’, which develops a classroom culture of word curiosity. Students are taught that spelling is a thinking process which requires them to notice patterns and connections in words.

Specialist Setting

Specialist Setting English focuses on Victorian Curriculum. Phonics, word knowledge, text structure and literature form the backbone of our English program. This is coupled with a strong emphasis on communication.

Interacting with others is seen as an essential focus with students developing communication avenues through expressive and receptive speech development, PECs and AUSLAN.

Year 7-9

In Years 7-9 the English program uses a structure of Reading and Writing Workshops, with speaking and listening skills addressed in all units.

An instructional model that focuses on the Gradual Release of Responsibility is followed so that students are explicitly shown the skill, partake in using the skill with scaffolding before releasing the students to practise using the skill individually. Allowing the entry point for each of the students to be individual, at the level most appropriate for them.

As part of our English classes, conferences take place to observe each students’ point of need in the focus area and create goals to further improve upon the required skills.

Year 10-12

In the senior years, starting at Year 10, students select their English paths to lead them into VCE or VCE VM. Students make choices about what English pathway they are working towards in Year 10, with the choice of Core English or Literacy.

Core English aims to develop a solid foundation for VCE study the following years. Literacy focuses on developing skills to enable students to be work ready and sets the students up for a foundation to enter VCE VM Literacy the following year.

When students enter VCE, the study of English is compulsory. English/EAL is the most commonly chosen subject and aims to develop student’s critical understanding and mastery of the English Language and to help them communicate in a wide range of social context.

Students study multiple texts to achieve required outcomes, while also analysing argument and presenting their own point of view.

Extra Support

We offer a number of intervention programs to help students who require additional support. These are tailored to suit the student and can take the form of 1:1 support and can also be small group programs.